Healthix Research Exchange

Healthix Research Exchange

Announcing Healthix De-identified Data Warehouse for Research Opportunities

Healthix stands ready to support researchers with aggregated data of more than 20 million patients from across the New York region. Recently, with the support of the city’s largest public health agency, Healthix has built a de-identified data warehouse, which was deployed in mid July 2023.  The data spans over 15 years, since the inception of New York State HIEs in 2005.

Researchers interested in accessing de-identified data for research studies are required to submit a Healthix research application. Following a review and approval process by Healthix Research Committee and Board of Directors, researchers will be notified.

Types of Research Exchange

  • Diagnostic data
  • De-identified data


The researcher must be employed by:

A Healthix Participant, or a not-for-profit organization with a mission consistent with the mission of Healthix and our participants

The Research Proposal

  • Must be approved by an IRB or granted an IRB waiver
  • Must not be designed to generate market intelligence, competitive advantage, commercial promotion, or other non-Research purposes
  • Must not compromise the reputation of Healthix or any of our Participants
  • Must comply with Healthix Policy, including 1.6, §1.7 and §1.8

How are Research Proposals Approved?

The Healthix Research Committee, designated by the Healthix Board, will review applications and approve or deny in accordance with Healthix Policy.

Research Application (PDF)

Healthix Policy defines “Research” as the systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalized knowledge. Research may focus on informatics, population health, clinical trials, or other dimensions.

Research Committee Members (PDF)

Research Committee Charter (PDF)

Research Committee Procedures (PDF)

HIPAA Data Reference Guide (PDF)


Questions and completed applications may be sent to and completed application includes:

  • Application
  • IRB Approval Letter
  • Completed Research Data Elements