Healthix Query

Healthix Query

Healthix Query enables search and retrieval of longitudinal patient history and information. Healthix data is updated in real-time with each patient. Healthix consent is required to access patient protected health information


What Data is Accessible in the Healthix Portal

Search and retrieval of patient information can be easily executed in the Healthix Portal. You may access patient data from across a variety of provider types, from physician practices to radiology imaging, labs, hospitals and more. Healthix holds data on over 20 million patients from the NYC and Long Island area, but additionally allows for statewide data and even cross-state data to be included as well. To see which organizations contribute data to Healthix, view our online directory. Data within the Portal can be accessed through a series of tabs:

  • medications
  • labs
  • procedures

or through the patient summary filter that allows you to refine your search by date range and information type one is seeking.

Screenshot Healthix Query

How to Access the Portal

Web Enabled Log In: You can access the Healthix Portal by going to URL and entering your username, password and text-based multi-factor code.

Single Sign On (SSO) access: Organizations can arrange for their users to access the Portal through an SSO connection within the EHR. Users internal EHR credentials will authenticate their access, and the patient search will initiate the search within the Portal. The experience once in the Portal remains identical to both audiences.



  • Data and access are available 24/7.
  • Allows for a complete picture of patients’ health across all provider types, and facilities.
  • The patient summary tab allows for filtering specifically on the data you wish to review.  
Healthix Query