What We Do

Healthix Information Exchange: Helping to improve patient care and population health

As the largest public health information exchange (HIE) in the nation, Healthix exchanges data on more than 20 million individuals. The data is aggregated from across thousands of organizations, from large health care systems to small community health centers to even individual physician practices. (View Participating Organizations)  

Healthix Data

We deliver New York’s most complete patient data at the point of care. Healthix data is updated in real-time with each patient encounter, based on state mandated data elements and more.

16 Core Measures Mandated by NYSDOH

  • Demographics: Patient Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Race, Ethnicity, Preferred Language
  • Smoking Status
  • Vital Signs: hgt., wgt.,BP, BMI
  • Immunization
  • Allergies
  • Medications
  • Problems
  • Laboratory Test(s)
  • Laboratory Values/Results
  • Care Plans, Procedures
  • Care Team Member(s)

Other Data Collected

  • Medication Allergies
  • Encounters
  • Observations
  • Pharmacy Fill Data
  • EMS Run Data
  • Radiology Images
  • Diagnoses, Diagnostic Results
  • Procedures
  • Functional/Cognitive Status
  • Discharge Instructions/ Clinical Summaries
  • Advanced Directives
  • eMOLST for end of life care