Integration with City Immunization Registry

Healthix now contains the vaccine data from the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS).

Healthix is providing participants COVID-19 Vaccine Data from the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS).

In collaboration with NYS Department of Health, NYSIIS is sending COVID-19 vaccination data through the Healthix portal and its data delivery systems, such as clinical care documents (CCDs) and clinical information updates.

What this means for New Yorkers and their providers…

As eligibility changes and vaccine supply increases, patients can obtain their vaccine from a variety of sources (New York State and New York City DOH sites, retail pharmacies and medical centers). Healthix provides a view of your patients’ immunization record, including:

Throughout this challenging time, Healthix has been a responsive partner of the healthcare community. We bring the power of data of over 20 million patients to providers and care managers, securely and within state and federal privacy guidelines.

Key to Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Data:

Key to Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Data screenshot

COVID-19 vaccine data from across New York State is displayed under the vaccinations tab. You may see duplicate data depending upon the source (local, cross-state, health department).  Disregard the Status field as there is no uniform description available. We recommend you look at the date and times for two vaccinations 3-4 weeks apart for Pfizer or Moderna and one dose for Johnson & Johnson. Clicking on link will show you details depicting if the series is complete or not.