HIV/AIDS: Ending the Epidemic

Healthix and the AIDS Institute: Ending the Epidemic

The Goal of the Collaboration…

The goal is to enhance the New York State Department of Health’s ability to monitor the health and treatment of HIV+ individuals and retain them in care. Healthix will identify HIV+ persons and the care they are receiving, so NYSDOH can focus public health surveillance efforts to ensure linkage to care, retention in care, antiretroviral therapy, and viral suppression.

While death rates and diagnoses decrease, HIV infection continues to exact a huge toll


New York State:

  • Height of the epidemic, 14,000 new cases diagnosed each year – now less than 3,000
  • Leads the nation in the number of people with HIV/AIDS (121,161 in NYC alone1)
  • Accounts for 8.1% of new HIV cases nationwide
  • Consistent, long-term medical treatment is essential


Collaboration between Healthix and NYSDOH helps integrate and coordinate detection and treatment

The Challenges

HIV Patients are Among the Most Complex and Costly Patients to Treat

  • Co-morbidity and overlapping health issues
  • Social determinants (i.e., Housing, Substance Abuse, Behavioral Health)
  • Adherence to treatment
  • Physicians grapple with patients “lost to care”

Standardizing and Expanding Actionable Data to Facilitate Treatment

  • Existing standards (e.g, ICD and LOINC codes) not yet uniform
  • Expansion of data needed
  • Too much data transmitted – avoid redundancy (CCDs)
  • Actionable data with CENs

Data Contributed and Shared with NYSDOH

  • 240 Participants Contributing Data, 136 more organizations under development
  • Sending weekly updates to NYSDOH
  • Sending real-time alerts to NYSDOH

The Results

  • In 2016 Healthix sent 279,838 CCDs and 2,138,528 HL7s updates to NYSDOH *
  • Patient files matched 57,606 (80%) with patients in NYSDOH
  • Majority of 14,401 (20%) are new patients
  • 200-250 new patients a week
  • More than 400,000 monthly Clinical Event Notifications
  • Patient expiration notices help accurately depict patient population

Sources: Updated: February 2017
1- Statistics are from 2015 – New York Surveillance Annual Report – NYCDOH

To read more about the project and outcomes thus far, >View the (PDF) »