This video gives an overview of how health information exchange works. Including what data is exchanged, how and most importantly why.
This training takes the viewer through the types of consent and the information mandated by New York State. It is designed for those who collect consent from patients and may need to answer questions regarding the consent forms and organizational responsibilities.
Healthix Customers explain the benefits and ways in which they exchange data to enhance clinical care, public health and research.
This video takes the patient through the many benefits of giving consent to Healthix. It can be added to your website, or provided as an in office video that patients can view. It is also available as a one page flyer, or a poster
This flyer explains the basics about Healthix, Consent and Health Information Exchange
This video gives an overview of how health information exchange works. Including what data is exchanged, how and most importantly why. It can be provided as an MP4 (upon request) for inclusion in your own training systems or intranet.
This PDF follows the format of the Consent Training video and provides a tool for training staff in person. This PDF is available as a PowerPoint complete with a script to facilitate staff
This pdf gives an overview of who Healthix is and what we do. It may help to train staff so that they can understand the consent process. This is available in Powerpoint as well.
We are happy to provide a quarterly article for your newsletter that highlights the success stories of how data exchanged is being used by our participants. These articles can link through to videos and appropriate collateral. Contact us if you are interested in custom content for your communications.