Webinar: Benefits of Connecting to and Using Healthix Data

NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) and NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)

Connect with Healthix for secure, immediate access to actionable clinical data, regardless of where your patient receives care.


Webinar: Benefits of Connecting to and Using Healthix Data

Date: Thursday, July 13

Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm




Why Connect?

Better coordination of care for patients with substance use disorder (SUD). Healthcare Professionals have access to treatment and medication status, discharge summaries, care plans, etc. from Hospitals, Primary Care Providers, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, and Mental Health facilities to attain better patient outcomes and reduce costly readmissions.

Patients with SUD are the most frequent people to visit the ER. Utilizing the HIE to coordinate care across care settings and between treatment providers is essential to reduce hospital re-admissions and assist with transition to Value Based Care


  • Provides information 24/7 in real-time
  • Keeps provider informed of care occurring outside and across their network
  • Allows for follow-up care post hospital or ED discharge
  • Helps with planning resource allocation and interventions
  • Improves clinical outcomes & enhances care coordination

How to Join Healthix

  1. Determine technical connection
  2. Execute Healthix Participation Agreement 
  3. Execute EHR vendor agreement (if applicable)
  4. Meet your onboarding team
  5. Connect and Go Live