Hope and Clarity for 2021 – A Message from the President and CEO

Todd Rogow, the President and CEO of Healthix sat down and recorded a brief video message via Zoom. In the video he outlines four major areas of focus for Healthix in 2021 with a unified theme around improving data quality and use.

The highlights of his message include the following point:

1 – Provide full data set on patients – Healthix is seeking to increase the depth of claims data that we receive from our payor community in order to fill out data gaps from patient data.

2 – Improving data quality and standardization ­– With so many participating organizations contributing data, consistency is essential in aligning the data. Healthix has struggled to standardize real-time clinical data in a way that makes it uniform. In the first quarter, we plan to bring in a third-party service to standardize the data through a terminology engine.

3- Expanding capabilities through partnerships – Creating strong partnerships allows Healthix to bring varied services to better meet the needs of your organization and therefore  improve the healthcare outcomes for the patients you are serving.

4 – Making data available to NY residents – We are seeking to make clinical data available to the patient so New York residents can obtain their own Protected Health Information (PHI).