COVID-19 Activities

Woman wearing face mask

COVID Alerts Exceed +8 Million

Healthix delivered millions of COVID Alerts to clinicians, care managers and providers. Read one participant’s success story on how they were able to use these Alerts to better care delivery. Read more »

Woman working at a computer screen

Healthix Data Helps Locate Missing Persons Due to COVID-19

311/UVIS – NYCDOHMH officials scanned the Healthix Portal to identify individuals matching reported loved ones descriptions’, during the height of the pandemic outbreak. Matches identified were logged in the City’s Unified Victim Identification System (UVIS) for police’s handling. UVIS was activated in mid-April for 39 days. Healthix data helped locate 62 missing persons in hospitals and 38 who were deceased.  Read more »

Woman working on the phone at a desk

Tracking Patients of Interest

Healthix exchanged data with the City & State Departments of Health on patients who received a COVID-19 test result and warranted special monitoring, given their medical background.

Patient conferring with doctor via computer screen

Telehealth Access to HIE data for COVID-19 Patients

Healthix developed a special workflow within our clinical portal to accept patients’ verbal consent for accessing their medical records. This modification is in accordance with the NYS emergency waiver of written consent and is supported by broadened federal regulations concerning telehealth.  Read more »

Exterior of Javits Field Hospital building in New York

COVID-19 Field Hospital Retrieves Healthix Data

Healthix supported the identification of patients being transferred from across NYC to temporary facilities, including the Javits Field Hospital and the USNS Comfort hospital ship. Healthix swiftly provisioned users at these facilities, enabling them to access the portal to retrieve significant clinical information (e.g., underlying conditions, diagnoses, lab values, etc.) on patients they knew little about, to inform their treatment decisions. Read more »

Masked woman working with a syringe in a hospital environment

Investigations to Identify Trends

Healthix delivered CCDs on COVID-19 patients to the NYS DOH, and state health officials also accessed the portal for data to identify trends regarding medications, demographic and geographic impact.

New York skyline

Contact Tracing

Healthix supports the NYCDOHMH (i.e., NYC Health + Hospitals) in their contract tracing efforts, by matching a daily extract provided by the City against our portal data. For matches found, we provide additional demographic (e.g., DOB) and contact information (e.g., next of kin) to supplement their data.

Department of Veternans Affairs and Department of Defense seals

Interactions with the Veteran’s Administration (VA)

Supporting the transfer of VA patients from VA hospitals to non-VA hospitals, with the delivery of clinical and demographic information.