Healthix Analytics

Healthix Analytics

Healthix Analytics provides dashboards and reports to support population health management, patient outreach and readmission management.

Analytics can provide predictive risk scores, early identification of serious health conditions, and help prevent avoidable ED visits and hospitalizations. Risk scores are calculated daily using daily clinical information, medical encounters and social determinants of health data.

Population and Patient Risk Management

The goal of Healthix Analytics is to enable providers and care managers to quickly identify individuals at high or increased risk for a range of conditions and events. Early intervention can prevent unnecessary admissions or ED visits; improve clinical outcomes; and reduce overall costs. Risk scores are updated each evening to reflect the clinical events of the day. For patients where consent is available you can see specific patients associated with desired risk levels.

30-Day Readmission Management

Analytics for readmission management assesses information for those patients currently in, or recently discharged from, a hospital stay or ED visit. Healthix Analytics predicts the likelihood of a patient being readmitted or returning to an ED or inpatient hospitalization within 30 days.

Social Determinants of Health Data

Healthix Analytics incorporates zip code or county-based social determinants of health into all risk algorithms. An individual’s residence can impact risk for unwanted events and conditions.

Community risk scores are determined by:

  • Education level
  • English proficiency
  • Household income
  • Income equality
  • Insurance coverage
  • Percentage of population living within half mile of a park
  • Racial demographics
  • Respiratory hazard
  • Unemployment rate
  • Urban concentration
  • US citizenship


  • Provides risk models which are optimized by data from the entire HIE – more than 20 million individuals – guaranteeing the most accurate risk scores. 
  • For individual patients with consent, you can view the most significant features driving risk, which enable care intervention.
  • Healthix Analytics gives you the information to target, personalize, and
    manage care for patients at risk. It can identify patient risk before
    a diagnosis is made to aid in prevention and wellness initiatives. 
  • Analytics dashboards provide key metrics for organizational performance improvement


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Healthix Analytics