Healthix Provides New Alerts to Help Providers Care for People Living with HIV

Linkage to Care
The project went live in September at the pilot site, NYU Lutheran.  

This 2017 grant was awarded by the New York State Department of Health as part of their End the Epidemic Initiative. It was designed to improve engagement of the HIV/AIDS population, with the goal to:

  1. Develop algorithms to identify HIV+ patients using Viral load tests to validate seropositivity. Then among those individuals, find patients who have been lost to care (defined as a patient with no primary care encounter for 12 months or more)
  2. When one of the identified lost to care patients registers at an ER, Healthix then delivers a real-time alert to the provider

Viral Load Alert
The project went live in October at the pilot site, Housing Works.

The new Viral Load alert is the result of a grant awarded by City Council to improve care and engagement of patients living with HIV. These alerts are delivered to subscribed Health Home Care Managers, outreach workers, and other care team members when a consenting patient is out of care (defined as no primary care visit at any facility in the past 26 weeks (6 months and 2 weeks)) and not virally suppressed (VL > 200 copies/mL) at last lab.

These alerts stratify patients into 3 categories by their CD4 count to facilitate prioritized outreach.
Priority 1: VL above 200 copies/mL and CD count below 50 cells/microL at last lab

Priority 2: VL above 200 copies/mL and CD count between 50 and 200 cells/microL at last lab

Priority 3: VL above 200 copies/mL and CD count above 200 cells/microL at last lab